One of my New Year’s Resolutions is to get in shape. I know
the only way to successfully get fit this is to join the gym. Like so many people at this time of year, I am sucked in by the
promise of ‘fantastic results’ and ‘no joining fees with the first month free’.
But I am sure that this time will be different. I have my water bottle, my new trainers and I have ordered my whey protein. I am determined to make it to the
gym three times a week... for at least the first three months.
Whilst I enjoy the feeling of a good workout, there are some aspects of the gym experience that I wish weren't there:
The Gym Rats.
Predominantly men who spend the better part of the day in
the gym, building up an obscene amount of muscle. They can name every single
one of them but probably couldn't tell you what an adjective is. Judging
by their loud conversations with fellow gym rats, when they're not working out they are either chasing or avoiding some poor girl they hooked up with last week, learning new swear words from their kid brother, or picking up their job-seeker’s
The Old 'Friend' I Haven’t Seen In Ages.

On the off chance it is somebody I’m pleased to see, I’ll
get of the machine I’m precariously hanging off and have a chat, maybe even suggest we become gym buddies before realising they are much fitter than I am and couldn't possibly keep up. Once we've finally finished our conversation I have lost the will to carry on with my workout.
The Pushy Trainer

My perfect gym would be one without the stupidly high price
tags. £49 a month is a bit much for a gym that has one branch and a pool that’s
always closed for repairs. There wouldn't be a waiting list for the only class you could make, and the gym staff would helpful and actually have undergone training.

Is this too much to ask? Who else shares my gym pet peeves? Do you have any of your own? Let me know and good luck if you too are signing
up again this year.
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