Monday, 7 January 2013


I like to think that I take pride in my appearance and try hard to look presentable at all times. But even I have the odd day where I'll choose comfort over style. Yes, I have just ordered a onesie and I can't wait for it to arrive.

However there is one particular item of clothing that I would NEVER go out in. That is a pair of tracksuit bottoms.  For me, there are only two places outside of the home where this attire is appropriate. The first is at and on route to and from the gym. The tracksuit bottom is perfect for working out in. It's comfortable and makes even the worst dancer look like a pro at my local gym's hip hop dance class.

The second occasion where a tracksuit is acceptable is if you are popping out for no more than ten minutes to pick up milk and other essential supplies from the nearest convenience store. That does not mean a half hour browse around the large M&S store. I mean the closest place and at a time of day when nobody you know will spot you, and heading right back home afterwards to hibernate.

I fail to understand then, why an increasing number of people think it is acceptable to wear tracksuits out and about. A recent article in the Daily Mail puts the rise in popularity down to celebrity culture, with the Nicki Minaj, Cheryl Cole and even Elton John sporting Adidas three-strip tracksuit bottoms in broad daylight. Surely Elton was not on his way to a spin class. 

But this is not a new phenomenon. I fear that the celebrity following is not setting the trend, rather giving it a seal of approval. Forgive me for sounding old-fashioned, but I thought this dress code was reserved only for young offenders or people with a severe allergy to denim. Normally this outfit is paired with a McDonald’s breakfast burger, sovereign rings and a pack of Silk Cut. So I am saddened to hear that we can expect to see this “athletic” look gracing the catwalks or the Spring/Summer 2013 shows at London Fashion Week. Somebody please cancel my ticket.

Am I being harsh? Are there any redeeming qualities to this attire? In a bid to better understand the look, I am going to try out tracksuit bottoms for a day out in St Albans, an area where many other people are already following the trend. I will get into the mind-set of this group of questionable ”fashion-forward” trailblazers. Keep an eye out for my follow-up post and wish me luck!

Check out the Daily Mail article here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So very true Ricky. Trackies are for exercise. Why wear them outside. It looks ridiculous! Also when obese people wear them, when they are not doing any exercise at all. Why! There is no excuse for sloppy dressing. pfft.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Normally this outfit is paired with a McDonald’s breakfast burger, sovereign rings and a pack of Silk Cut" - are you talking about me? ;) dicky xxxxx

  5. Quite Possibly Dicky! But there are some people who wear tracksuit bottoms as a fashion item, or as part of their identity within the urban dance scene. I think this is fine, My problem is with people who are too lazy and lack self respect, or respect for others. Presentation is key to being taken seriously
