Wednesday, 16 January 2013



Hands up if you love Mondays too! No? Well a quick Google search reveals that stress in the work place affects 400,000 people in the UK every year; the number of teachers taking stress leave has increased by 10%; and work was going to ruin Christmas for nearly 75% of the UK working population. One recent study even reports a link between work stress and an increased risk of heart attack among older men.

Now I do not claim to understand the stress of say a banker, or somebody who has to make massive critical decision at work everyday. But I do think everybody gets a little stressed, and this shouldn't be belittled. 

A friend of mine who works as an accountant, and has recently finished a series of exams, only to be greeted by yet more work deadlines, told me he wishes he had my job. Apparently he thinks I spend all day on Facebook, calling friends, meeting people for a drink and enjoying quite a “cushty” lifestyle.  This comment really upset me.

I reminded my friend that he had chosen his career, and there was no point complaining or comparing. What I really wanted to tell him was that he could not begin to understand the stress that I, or for that matter anybody in their job, feels. It is a personal state of mind that I don’t think can be measured by what a person chooses to do for a living, but by the outcome of a frustrating situation and the feeling of losing control.

Yes, I get stressed. And here are my picks on how to combat it. I am in no way claiming that they works for everyone, but it can’t hurt to try them yourself.

The thought that I sit at my computer for hours on end everyday actually makes my back twinge. It is uncomfortable and can, over time, cause very frustrating muscle pain. This can then trigger feelings of stress. So every hour or so, I get up from my desk and walk around, make a cup of tea, or go and distract a colleague. Well I didn't say anything about causing other people stress! This gives me a couple of minutes to decompress, clear my mind, and let my eyes readjust after staring at the computer monitor for too long.

I have cushion envy. A colleague has a really nice cushion on her chair, It looks so comfortable and gives her area an added warmth. Little touches like this make the desk, a place where I spend a large part of the day, more comfortable. How about a little plant or a photo of a loved one?

Just keep it appropriate. No photos of you and your significant other half-naked on a beach canoodling. The boss does not need to see that! You want to be taken seriously at work, so keep the “I LOVE BIEBER” pillow at home. This is not a throwback of your teenage bedroom.

Yes, my top drawer is dedicated to food and nibbles. It is very easy to get stuck into work and forget to eat. And without the right fuel, concentration can dip and tasks appear harder. So I make sure I have some breakfast bars. I recommend nak’d or Oat So Simple Morning Bars.

I also ensure I keep hydrated. I recently bought a bobble bottle because I know I spend far too much frequently purchasing bottled water. Every little helps in cutting down money stress.

I really can’t face breakfast until I am checking emails. Not every workplace is as nice as mine, letting me eat at my desk. But even I wouldn't bring in a bacon butty or something equally as smelly into work. Try a pot of porridge, or some granola-topped yoghurt from Costa.

And don’t forget fruit. Dig your teeth and claws into an apple, not the colleague who thought it was a good idea to pipe in at a client meeting and quote prices that are way below what you need to get the job done. SERIOUSLY?!

A lot of stress comes from uncertainty. That is why I think it is really important to stay informed, even If you won’t like what you are about to hear. We have regular team meetings and this keeps me in the loop about what everyone is doing, and what I need to prioritise. As much as it would fill everyone with dread, It is also a good idea to ask for feedback. Make sure the work you are doing is being done properly. If it isn't change it. If it is, great, you just got a little bit of recognition.

I will never take Pro Plus. I am sure that a little pill containing so much caffeine can only play havoc with my system. I would rather have a strong coffee and hope for the best. But on the days when I feel I need something more, (and no, not just when I am feeling the effects from the night before), I turn to Berocca. The price is a little high, and I do often opt for the own-brand versions. This effervescent multivitamin gives me the pick-me-up I need to be a little more alert. And it flushes out of the system naturally, so I'm not wired until 4 in the morning.

I also love Bach Rescue Remedy. A few drops of this on my tongue before a meeting and I am calm and composed. Whether it works it is just psychological trick, I don’t know. But I don’t question it.

Failing that, I do believe in the calming power of a cup of tea. Try herbal teas if you are trying to stay off the caffeine.

I have got better at using this. It helps that I have a half-page a day diary, so I can scrawl everything down. It’s nice being the organised one in the office.

I also find it helpful to make a list of the things I need to do before the week starts. On Sunday, because I normally forget to on a Friday afternoon,  I jot down all the work I know I need to get done for the week ahead. I then note down things I need to be aware of outside of work, including social events and upcoming appointments. That way I can plan my time better and bring anything up in the Monday meeting.

It is so important to switch off once out of the office. I have a work Blackberry and stay connected in case something happens. But otherwise, once I am out of the door, I am on my time, and I don’t want to think about what I need to do at work. Good friends and plenty of activities (including cooking and getting a well-earned massage) keep me happy.

I hope that a couple of these suggestions will help you feel less stressed at work. They are my picks but I think they are pretty relatable and none are too difficult to implement. What do you do to stay sane in the office?  Let me know

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