Thursday, 17 January 2013


Research carried out by Dove has found that the average man in the UK only washes his face 6 times a week. Now I don't care how you argue it, that is a little bit vile. The fact is, we go out and expose our skin to all kinds of pollution, and we touch our face an average 2 to 4 times a minute. Think of all the germs constantly being transferred onto our face.

I frequently see men who look old before their time. There is nothing attractive about a leathery face that clearly hasn't seen a wash cloth in weeks. Dry skin, wrinkles and dark circles do not look good on a young twenty-something.
The article goes on to complain that men only spend 5 minutes a day on their face, and spend an average of £2.44 a week. This is where I have to disagree. I see no problem in being economic with skincare products, and think that 5 minutes (outside of shaving) is sufficient.

Guys, if you think the first thing that a date is looking at is the body you've worked hard on, or what your clothes, you are wrong. The very first thing is always the face, because that is what they have to stare at for the evening. But looking good doesn't cost the earth. Here is my pick of the best products to keep your mug looking fresh.

I make a point of washing my face every morning and again before bed. And when I get home from work I make a point of taking a damp cloth and wiping my face clean. I strongly suggest others follow suit.

I swear by Neutrogena's Visibly Clear 2 in 1 face wash and mask. I use it as monthly face mask, but more of that later. This fantastic product smells good and a little goes a long way. Pick it up at Boots for £3.99


A lot of men have a problem applying cream to their face. Some of mates think this is a little girly, or reserved only for metrosexuals and the vain. My usual response is, "Well you have washed off the oily essentials from your face and now you plan on going out and exposing it to pollution  And if you live in London, imagine the smog and dirt of the London Underground seeping into your skin." This normally leads to them asking to borrow my face cream. Again, there is no need to break the bank here. And I personally don't think more than one cream is needed. 

The skin on your face is very delicate and sensitive. So don't be too abrasive  I suggest something like Nivea for Men Rehydrating Moisturiser. I use a pea-sized amount first thing in the morning, and maybe again later in the afternoon. Boots have it on special offer, down from £6.70 to £3.35. Or pick it up at Asda for £4. Again, there are no floral scents and the product doesn't leave any greasy residue. 

My colleague James also recommends Bulldog Anti-Aging moisturiser. The product certainly looks good, although James doesn't need to worry about aging. But it does come in at a higher price of £8.00 at Tesco. Check it out and let me know what you think

We are all aging and our faces are going to change. So long as you are good to your skin, your skin will be good to you. I would avoid any anti-aging products that claim to reverse the hands of time, or promise youthful looks instantly. 

A good razor/electric shaver keeps a guy from looking like he doesn't care. If you like a little stubble, there are some great electric trimmers out there. But don't pick ones that can do 101 things, if all you'll use it for is to keep your stubble in check twice a week. This will keep the cost down.

If you opt for a clean shaven look, make sure you use a good shaving gel. Any by Gillette will do. I actually don't use any aftershave balm. My moisturiser is often enough to keep skin irritation at bay. But everyone's skin is different. Try to select one that uses as many natural products as possible.

As I mentioned earlier, I think a face mask once a month does wonders for the skin. The Neutrogena 2 in 1 product contains clay, so it cleanses deep down within five minutes. Simple. And it also keeps blackheads and any spots from appearing. Just make sure you don't use anything too hard to wash the mask off. Don't forget to apply a moisturiser afterwards.

A big mistake made by people who are prone to spots is using too many harsh products all at once. Thankfully I rarely suffered from spots growing up, but I know how strong the anti spot treatments are. The blue alcohol-smelling liquid for the face is not natural. It dries the skin and probably rids the treated area of all the essential oils too.  So don't cover your face in six face products. Your skin can only take so much beating. Just limit how much you use, and not too often. 

If you suffer from spots, opt for something a bit kinder to the skin. Try Boots' Pharmaceutical's Witch Hazel Gel. It isn't too tough on skin, and only costs £1.99

I can't stress enough how delicate the skin is around the eyes. Compared to the rest of the face that is made up of several layers of skin, the area around the eye is only made of two. So make sure you don't press too hard.

A number of companies produce roll-on serums. My advice is to avoid them completely! Just don't miss the area when applying a moisturiser. 

The best way to avoid crowsfeet is to get a good night's sleep. If you already have them, then just rock the look. They work for George Clooney, they will look great on you

Keep you lips looking good and don't let them dry out. There is nothing less attractive then chapped lips. Pick up Palmer's Cocoa Butter lip balm, enriched with vitamin E for £1.69 from Lloyd's Pharmacy.

So you see, it doesn't take much time or effort to keep the face looking fresh and young. And the good people at Dove can rest easy, knowing that men everywhere now know not to spend a fortune on overhyped products.

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